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  2. Getting Started: Instructors

Invite Students

Students must be invited by an instructor to join a class section. Use the "invite students" button in the platform to add students.

Setting Up Students

Create and Share link with students

  1. On your Classes page, click on the class you'd like to invite students to. The name of your class and section will now appear in the corner
  2. Create your student-facing announcement:
    1. The next step will involve sharing a link, and it will be helpful to have an announcement window prepared so that you can easily copy the link over.
    2. Set up your announcement: open a tab to your course management platform (eg: Canvas) or however you will be sharing the course materials with your students (email).
  3. Create Invitation:
    1. Click “Invite Students” in the top right of the screen
    2. Click “Create Three Month Link” -- This will give your students access to create an account for up to 90 days. 
    3. The link will be automatically copied to your clipboard for you to share with your students
    4. All done! Your students now have the ability to follow your invitation link and join your class section. We recommend setting a deadline by which students must follow that link, so that all groups can be created in a timely manner.

Additional Resources:

These detailed instruction guides walk your students through the set up process and the Breakout experience. Please feel free to download and share with your students. There are two versions of this guide: one if students are paying for the experience, and one if the institution is paying.

Student Instructions - Student-Paid

Student Instructions - Institution-Paid