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  2. Getting Started: Instructors

Assign Breakout Experiences to Classes

  1. From Instructor View, click into the class you'd like to assign an experience to.
  2. Click “Explore Catalog”.
  3. Click on your desired Breakout experience.
  4. Here you can preview the experience's polls, quizzes and course materials, including the student Pre-Work and the Teacher Guide, if applicable.
  5. When you're ready, click the “+ Assign to Class” button in the top right.
  6. You’ll be asked to confirm the Assignment Type and Class. The Assignment Type should be “Student Led”.
  7. Click “Choose Deadline” to assign a deadline for your students to complete the experience. Most instructors set the deadline at least one day prior to the debrief date, so they have time to review the session results and plan their debriefs accordingly. You’ll be asked to choose both a date and time for the deadline.
    FYI, you can manipulate the deadline by clicking in the experience and pressing the “deadline” button at  the top right.
  8. Select how you'd like your students to be grouped. With Self-Grouping, students are responsible for creating and joining their groups on the platform. With Automatic Randomized Grouping, all you have to do is enter the desired group size (between 2-6 students/group), and the platform creates the groups for you.  
  9. Once you've completed all fields, click “Assign to Class”. This will automatically add the experience to your students' libraries.